Our Services

We leverage Facebook advertising and data driven strategies to add revenue and maximize your return on overall marketing spend.

WE Create, Manage, And Optimize Ads...

At Rega Marketing, we specialize in one thing: running highly effective Facebook ads tailored specifically for home improvement and construction companies. Why Facebook ads? Because we understand the unique challenges and opportunities these industries face, and we know that Facebook provides unparalleled targeting capabilities to reach your ideal audience. By focusing solely on Facebook ads, we've honed our expertise to deliver exceptional results for our clients time and time again.

Increasing Awareness

With our Facebook ad campaigns, we don't just reach people—we make sure they remember you. By strategically targeting your audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, we create ads that capture attention and leave a lasting impression. Whether you're launching in a new area, expanding your services, or simply looking to increase brand visibility, our campaigns are designed to elevate awareness and put your business in front of the right people at the right time.

Generating Leads

Leads are the lifeblood of any business, and our Facebook ad strategies are engineered to drive them in abundance. Through advanced targeting techniques, compelling ad creative, and strategic messaging, we attract high-quality leads who are actively seeking the services you offer. But we don't stop there. Our retargeting campaigns and lookalike audiences ensure that no lead goes cold, leveraging data from your other marketing efforts to nurture prospects and guide them through the conversion funnel.

Maximizing Return on Company Wide Marketing

Your marketing efforts shouldn't exist in silos—they should work together seamlessly to maximize your return on investment. That's why we leverage data from your other marketing channels, including radio, TV, trade shows, SEO, and more. By harnessing this wealth of information, we can create hyper-targeted campaigns that reach consumers that already know your brand, delivering unmatched results and ensuring every dollar you spend goes further.

Hiring Ads

Finding and attracting top talent is essential for the growth and success of your business. Our Facebook ad solutions extend beyond customer acquisition to help you spread awareness of job openings and get your offerings in front of qualified candidates. Whether you're hiring for entry-level positions or management roles, we craft engaging job ads that showcase your company culture, highlight the benefits of working with you, and attract the talent you need to thrive.

Companies That Trust Us

Our clients are our top priority.

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