Automation For Contractors

Automation has emerged as a game-changer for businesses across a variety of industries.

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Automate Your Business & Scale With Rega Marketing

Automation has emerged as a game-changer for septic and excavation companies. For contractors, embracing automation holds the promise of boosting conversion rates, increasing customer lifetime value (LTV), enhancing organic through reviews, and ultimately driving more sales. As contractors juggle various aspects of their business, finding ways to streamline processes while maintaining personalized customer interactions becomes essential. In this article, we'll explore how automation can transform contractor businesses by addressing these key challenges and delivering tangible results.

Enhancing Customer Close Rates

Converting leads into paying customers is a common hurdle contractors face. Automation can smoothen this process by ensuring no lead falls through the cracks. Lead segmentation based on factors like demographics, project type, and timeline enables personalized communication. Through automated follow-ups, contractors can maintain a consistent presence, addressing potential concerns and providing relevant information. Such tailored interactions can instill confidence in leads and boost conversion rates, leading to a higher close rate.

Here are some examples:

  • Missed call from new customer - send an automated text letting them know you'll respond as soon as your available.
  • Sent a quote without a response? - send them down a funnel that follows up with them and then offers a small discount if no response after 10 days.
  • Lead form submission through your website - get a text with all the details and assign a task to you or a team member to touch base.
  • Keeping track of inquiries - automatically get assigned tasks based on inquiries so you never miss a potential customer.
  • Using a scheduling software? - integrate it with the the above to automatically schedule customers into your team calendars.

Increasing Customer Lifetime Value

Customer lifetime value is the cornerstone of a successful contracting business. Automation can play a pivotal role in nurturing relationships with existing customers. By utilizing automated email sequences, personalized recommendations, and timely reminders, contractors can keep their customers engaged and informed. For instance, automated follow-up emails after completed projects can express gratitude, gather feedback, and provide special offers for future services. By consistently staying in touch with customers, contractors can increase repeat business and encourage referrals, thereby enhancing the value of every single customer.

  • Job completed - send an automated text and or email to the customer letting them know that you offer a $100 gift card for any successful referrals.
  • Completed work 3 months ago - automatically reach out to the customer and offer verticals for the original service that you performed.
  • Install products that need regular inspections and or service? - send reminders to your customers at set intervals to ensure maintenance is kept up to date.

Increasing Organic Sales:

Acquiring reviews from customers is super important for building trust within the community and attracting organic sales. Although important, the process can be time consuming and easily forgotten about while running the day to day of your business. Automation simplifies this process by enrolling these customers in a review collection funnel that will periodically follow up until completed or set number of requests have been sent.

  • Recently completed a job - automatically send a review request to the customer through SMS, Email, Facebook Messenger, and more.
  • Gather reviews across multiple platforms - send review links for Google My Business, Yelp, Yellow Pages, Facebook, & more to diversify your presence.

Ready To Scale?

Embracing automation can be a transformative step for contractors looking to thrive in a competitive landscape. By focusing on increasing enhancing conversion rates, customer LTV, amplifying organic presence, and driving sales growth, contractors can leverage automation to achieve remarkable results. As technology continues to evolve, those who adapt and harness its potential are poised to lead the way in the contracting industry. To explore the opportunities automation holds for your business, don't hesitate to reach out – the possibilities are endless.